Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sosyal Klaymers

These are the Sosyal Klaymers...who are hikers and aim to see the remote areas in this 7,107 islands. I will use most of the photos from Julius, Alex and Mart that are in their photo album. This blog will cover most of the treks they made during this year and may include some of the hiking they did last year when the group started on this expedition.

Let me introduce you to these guys. In the picture, front row are: Ariel, Ed, Beng, and Julius; behind are: Mervin, Jo-an, Kres (a friend from Indonesia), Paolo, Philip; and topmost is Ricky. Not in the photo are: Alex, Mart and Mitch. They are 13 in all who are having fun undertaking such a daring journey. These are 13 adventurous people, finding time to enjoy themselves taking in the sights and sounds of the countryside under extra-ordinary circumstances, not for fame and fortune! The places they like to go to are mostly where mountain trekking is possible, not in anyway a resort area but these places could very well be! They stop for some recreation along the way and eventually find a place to eat and rest for the night. While cruising along, they have met people from the area, willingly helping them along, at the same time joining them in their merry-making for this group are both impish and playful. This is their breathing spell because on weekdays, they each go to their respective workplace to do some serious work.

They did their first climb on 20 September 2009 climbing Mt. Gulugod Baboy in Anilao, Batangas...there were only 6 of them then. The climb was easy taking only about 2 hours to reach the top. The "jump-off" point was Philpan Dive Resort...this brings me back to the days when we would go to Anilao to dive. There were no resorts then so we had to leave early in the morning drive in unpaved road to the dive site that we knew then. Going back to the sosyal klaymers' first climb...the trail was narrow just wide enough for one person to pass between underbush and reeds. Upon reaching the top, they found company with a cow roaming the place but could not be bothered to pay them any attention.

1 comment:

  1. nice!!! thanks Ms. Malu...

    by the way, I'm now following this blog...
